Energia érzékeny protokollok optimalizálása vezetéknélküli szenzoriális hálózatok számára
Dr. Levendovszky János
Dr. Levendovszky János
Communication protocol development is an intensively researched part of wireless sensorial networks. According to the performance analysis the lifespan of the network is considerably increased. Former energy aware protocols are examined only certain packet forwarding strategies and with deterministic traffic models. Increasing lifespan a new method has been developed the „energy aware” protocol where every node decided according to his own energy level that which would be the recipient node (for example next, far node or the base station).
Statistical analysis and optimization of „energy aware” protocol is given by this thesis with stochastic traffic models and optimal decision rule is deduced to minimize energy consumption.
In the course of developing new protocols large deviation theory and combinatorial optimization are applied. Protocol examination is extended to total energy and to bottleneck node.
Simulation packet is written for the new protocol performance analysis. Lifespan of „single hop”, „chain” and „energy aware” protocol are examined in different sensor allocations (deterministic even, stochastic even, trunked normal, trunked exponential distribution). Based on these results the proper protocol could be given in any sensor allocation so lifespan of the network is increased.
New result has been verificated on Crossbow sensor network which use a new operation system (TinyOS) developed specially for wireless sensors.
Statistical analysis and optimization of „energy aware” protocol is given by this thesis with stochastic traffic models and optimal decision rule is deduced to minimize energy consumption.
In the course of developing new protocols large deviation theory and combinatorial optimization are applied. Protocol examination is extended to total energy and to bottleneck node.
Simulation packet is written for the new protocol performance analysis. Lifespan of „single hop”, „chain” and „energy aware” protocol are examined in different sensor allocations (deterministic even, stochastic even, trunked normal, trunked exponential distribution). Based on these results the proper protocol could be given in any sensor allocation so lifespan of the network is increased.
New result has been verificated on Crossbow sensor network which use a new operation system (TinyOS) developed specially for wireless sensors.
Dr. Levendovszky János